Saturday, March 30, 2013

Guess who turned 50 on March 13th???  Kathy did!  I'd seen a card on Pinterest with several candles on it and pinned it to my page with the caption "I wonder how many candles I can get on a card?".  I knew I wanted to do something very different for her card and here's how it turned out.  Yes!  There are 50 candles with 50 flames and a WHOLE bunch of pop dots to make it all work out.  The candles are all just strips cut in different widths and lengths but all the flames were cut on the Cricut in three different sizes.

Here's the inside:

After making Caydence's blanket, I started on the next one ... Kathy's.  I actually started it back in January but ended up ripping it out twice before getting it just right.  I found the yarn in the perfect variegated color combination of brown, pink and cream.  (She wears these colors a lot.)  The yarn is Michael's brand, Loops & Threads, but won't use it again as the variances of thickness or thinness can be drastic.  I didn't experience this until I was too far in and have already made the mental note not to select their yarn again.

I'd actually worked on this several times right in front of her.  Funny thing ... She thought this one was for Michelle.  She was so tickled that this was for her.  She said, "No one's ever loved me enough to make me a blanket." ... How sweet! 

Kathy's blanket is a whole lot bigger than Caydence's, that's for sure!  This is laid across the top of our king size bed and covers about 3/4's of the top.

Here's a close up of the stitching.  This interior stitch pattern is called the 'Lazy Wave'.  I leaned this stitch on You Tube as well following Mickeyssmail awesome instructions.  The outside border is double crochet.
I wish the colors were better in these photos.  I'm sure there's hope for future posts as I'm learning all over again.  There's been so many changes over the last 2 years!!!

Some card pics will be next as I've made quite a few and have even sold some over at a shop in Hernando.

Until next time,


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